
Our International Philanthropy

Serving the world around us is one of AOII’s founding principles. While local chapters are encouraged to support philanthropic opportunities in their communities, all chapters support AOII’s international philanthropy , which is arthritis. Since 1967, the Fraternity has enjoyed an important partnership with the Arthritis Foundation . AOII's philanthropic mission is to raise money for and spread awareness and understanding of arthritis and its more than 100 related diseases.

Dollars donated to the Arthritis Foundation support arthritis research, Juvenile Arthritis Power Packs, Juvenile Arthritis Camps and Conferences and so much more.

Strike Out Arthritis!

By holding Strike Out Arthritis! events, AOII is collectively able to contribute millions of dollars toward education initiatives, assistance for families affected by arthritis, and new research that will hopefully one day find a cure!

Like all Alpha Omicron Pi chapters, Theta Sigma hosts a majority of philanthropic events to support our international philanthropy of arthritis, with a focus on bringing awareness to juvenile arthritis (JA). While partnering with the Arthritis Foundation, AOII raises money that goes towards supporting things such as JA camps, JA powerpacks and arthritis research. Theta Sigma focuses its efforts on our Strike Out Arthritis (SOA) events in the Spring semster of the school year. Our SOA events typically include a full week of activities including kickball, volleyball, dodgeball and a Blue Out day.

Supporting the AOII Foundation

The promise to serve can be seen in the relationships between sisters as we work together to help others, or contribute to the AOII Foundation to enable scholarships and aid to other sisters.

The AOII Foundation’s Mission Statement is to invest in our sisters and inspire a lifetime of giving to innovative leadership, educational and philanthropic causes. We are proud to support the AOII Foundation which is able to offer our members academic and leadership scholarship opportunities, as well as grants and emergency assistance to sisters in dire need.

Local Philanthropic Efforts

Theta Sigma locally supports Sisters for Soldiers (SFS). This philanthropic effort focuses on providing support to the military through raising money, collecting donations and writing letters for care packages sent to service members on active duty. Events for SFS are typically conducted in the Fall semester and include Pie an AOII, donation collection and letter writing workshops.Theta Sigma also participates in local service to our Stephenville community through engaging in university service projects as Service Learning and Tarleton Round Up. Theta Sigma also hosts chapter service events such as volunteering at local churches, the animal shelter and participating in trash clean ups. Our local efforts for service inspire Theta Sigma's submotto of "Tradition through Service".

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Serving Others

Alpha Omicron Pi was founded on a promise to serve not only one another but the greater community as well. This commitment reflects a philosophy of friendship, concern, and usefulness in the world.

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